Friday, 27 October 2017

It only takes 10 minutes...

OK 26th October 13:00 on board the big train!

Hello Blog,

I'm off to surprise my gorgeous hubby. Isn't that great? I'm super excited. So, how you doing? How's it been going?

I'm reading my monthly magazine. I love it, obviously! I wouldn't purchase it otherwise. I've been noticing now how companies, well being, etc. are promoting "it only takes 10 minutes of your day", "just 10 minutes a day", "set aside 10 minutes", etc. Whilst it good and I do believe in it, but I'm finding everything I do I'm setting aside 10 minutes chunks to do it in! Or there abouts.

My time away from work is built up of the following "10 minutes":
Coffee drinking
Learning a new language

I'm finding I'm having to squeeze in my exercising, cooking, eating & crafting! Even hair cuts! My free time from work is a constant noise of the alarm stating my session has finished. My diary is chokka block with sections of today's achievements, as I like to call them!

I'm counting my calories, as it's the only system that helps me to lose weight 🏋️! I have to schedule time for that to tap the food into the required App on my phone!

Am I taking on too much? Probably. But being a depression sufferer and working shifts I have come to discover that I do like routine. I'm finding these sessions help to clear my head of rubbish and I'm very productive in what I'm doing.

But, sometimes I just have to say bollocks to routine and do stuff spontaneously. Like, going to surprise my hubby! 😉 😁 Some things are too important to miss.

I shall continue with my "10 minute" sessions. But careful not to take on more. There are, after all! So many slots in one day.

I'll leave you for now and continue with reading 📖 my magazine. I have 3 changes for this journey.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooo excited. Ciao for now.

Love 😍 Hugs 🤗 and Sunshine ☀ xx

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